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Dried samples of the red algae Solieria filiformis and Agardhiella subulata from Agardhiella tenera, Pachymenia hymantophora, and Gloiopeltis cervicornis.

Document reference. Shiomi, K.; Kamiya, H.; Shimizu, Y., 1979. Purification and characterization of an agglutinin in the red alga Agardhiella tenera. Biochim.

Agardhiella tenera

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Inicio Media Acerca de Comentarios0. Más info. Ficha en PDF  Family: Solieriaceae. Agardhiella tenera.

Agardhiella tenera was collected in Shinnecock Bay utilizing an otter trawl. All other algal samples were collected from the inter-tidal zone off Montauk Point. The species collected included Ahnfeltia plicata, Chondrus crispus, Corallina officinalis, Cystoclonium purpureum var. cirrhosum, Gracilaria folüfera, Palmaria palmata (formerly Rhodymenia palmata).

Agardh) Wynne & Taylor 1973: 100, figs 1–6.. Phylum Rhodophyta – Class Florideophyceae – Order Gigartinales – Family Areschougiaceae.

Agardhiella tenera

tenera, taxonomically belonging in the genus Solieria, then Agardhiella becomes a synonym of Solieria, and Neoagardhiella is the correct generic name for the "northern entity." If, however, one accepts the lectotype specimen of G. tenera proposed above, then Agardhiella becomes the earliest validly pub-

Agardhiella tenera

na 46. Gigartina mamillosa ( Good .

Agardhiella tenera

date yyyymmdd hr:mn, 2011:10:15 15:10:45. source, Flickr. flickr_agent, 39432681@N05. cell, 703-400-8225.
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Agardhiella tenera

World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway (taxonomic information republished from Evidence is presented to support the placement of Agardhiella tenera in Solieria (as S. tenera comb. nov.) for the reason that a large fusion cell is present in the center of the cystocarp. Since A. tenera is the type species of the genus, Agardhiella SCHMITZ (1896) becomes a junior synonym of Solieria J. AGARDH (1842). It is The red alga, Agardhiella tenera was found to contain a glycoprotein which agglutinates mouse leukemia cells, L5178Y but not L1210. It also agglutinates guinea pig and rabbit erythrocytes, and has weak activity against human A, B and O, mouse, horse and sheep erythrocytes and hamster and mouse lymphocytes.

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polysaccharide extracted from the red seaweed Agardhiella tenera against human immunodeficiency virus and other enveloped viruses” in Antiviral Chemistry 

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Agardhiella tenera (J.Agardh)  Agardhiella coulteri, Fucus distichus, Pelecanus occidentalis. Agardhiella tenera, Fucus evanescens, Pelecypod. Agarum, Fucus gardneri, Peltigera canina. 12 May 2020 Agardhiella subulata normally tenera and S. chordalis,1,21 has indicated that in these the axes are The status of Agardhiella tenera and. Preliminary tests with the waterbroom indicate that the adhesion of carpospores of Agardhiella tenera to a clean glass surface increases wih residence time,  acerosa and Agardhiella tenera. Tissue carbohydrate, protein and agar, as well as protein / carbohydrate (P/C) ratios, were examined for a year and analyzed  Las algas comestibles son aquellas que pueden comerse o se utilizan en la preparación de Gulaman-Dagat (Agardhiella tenera) (Filipinas, Indonesia); Gutweed o aonori (Enteromorpha intestinalis); Hijiki o hiziki (Sargassum fusiforme)&n Callophyllis variegate, Agardhiella tenera, Schizymenia dubyi , Cryptonemia crenulata. VHS, DENV, VIH, VHA. Alginato.